Sunday, April 02, 2006


Hmm. Pattiyal. it's a tamil flick for the uninformed and it's interesting unlike the recent crop of sleazy or dumb storylined things that were released. due to my limited tamil vocab i don't see any link between the title and the film cos as long as i know pattiyal means a list or putting things in a list or something on those lines... but who cares. the film is good(especially with pretty faces like pooja :)-- hey i always liked her since da film JJ though i don't find Padma priya(the other female lead) so inspiring inspite of the reduction she has had in terms of clothing...:))
Decently nice songs(though lotsa eng pop influences were visible), not too much of a masala mixture with a slightly different storyline n voila, we've got a run of the mill story with a difference. finally tamil cinema is seeing some non standard films without 'all's well that ends well' happy endings. They have started to grip us a bit and leave us pondering at the end and pattiyal is one of them. Arya and Bharat i can't really say much as in terms of acting no one in da film has done any record breaking stuff or anything but everyone has made decent performances with the 1st half being seriously hilarious. seriously ppl it was real fun. the second half gets senti and a bit dull but a few twists and the viewer is made to sit up and watch again.

All in all it's worth a watch though the older generation might not like it(my uncle fell asleep watchin it) but i'm sure no oldies are gonna be readin my blog, so my verdict: worth a watch.

P.S. others opinions may differ frm(hey i liked da story, i think Pooja is seriously cute-neone got a prob wid dat?) . I just typed out what i felt.

And this will be my last blog for a few weeks as my semesters are comin up so my dear readers(if there r any) i'll be back in may.stay tuned..

1 comment:

FloatingBoats said...

I prefer hindi movies to tamil movies any day.