This is the perfect spoof movie of the generic cop buddy storyline that hollywood generates on an annual basis. To start with, the story isn't exactly new. We have two misfits for cops who obviously don't gel together. Wahlberg as Det. Terry is the guy who got stuck at a desk because he used his gun in the line of duty to accidentally shoot some sports star while Will farrel as Allan Gamble is the married guy who takes up all the paper work to keep himself at his desk. unfortunately these two have been assigned as partners for the past 7 years and hence have not achieeved anything commendable in their line of duty. They are constantly berated by their seniors/colleagues at work and apparently have quite a dull police life, until THAT one moment. So story wise, nothing spectacular there.
But the whole point of this movie is the humour and that is where this hits the bullseye perfectly. You won't find a constant tirade of humour, but it is in bits and pieces; sufficient to keep you glued to the screen.

Wahlberg and Ferrel are quite fun to watch as the partners who clearly have differing agendas in life. Dwayne Johnson and Samuel Jackson as the superstar cops do their part well until they jump a 20 floor block and die. Of course, that's part of the comedy storyline too. So the rest of the plot revolves about how our two
stumbling cops (Wahlberg and Ferrel resolve their differences and rise to being the superstar cops that NYC needs). The scene where Ferrel introduces Eva Mendes as his plain wife is just fun(Yeah, you read that right. EVA MENDES- PLAIN WIFE :P. In the case that you by any chance just thought, " Ok, so what?", I've placed her picture on the left. Please take a look, get back and re-read the above paragraph. :P).Watching Wahlberg just continuously drooling at her while still trying to get over the fact that she married Farrel(In the movie that is) is even more awesome fun to watch.

The rest of the movie focuses on their escapades, Ferrel's red Prius(Yes, the cop drives a Prius. :D), more action, comedy and how they go on to become good friends. I'd put this on my list next to films like Starsky and Hutch. I don't want to describe the story in further detail and spoil the fun. It isdefinitely a good time pass movie for that boring weekend or if you've had a bad day at work, just go hit the night show and have 2 hours of good laughs. You most definitely won't regret it.
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