Imagine the following scenario:You are at the theatre as the movie progresses and you munch on pop corn while watching it when suddenly the whole theatre becomes silent and you realise that your pop corn munching noise is quite audible? Well I had it recently and wow I must say, it is quite loud. The above has nothing to do with the movie so i'll get on with that. :D
Green zone is this war based movie where Matt Damon plays a Chief warrant officer in search of the famed "WMD's" :P in various intelligence specified locations around Baghdad. Of course nothing turns up at every site that his seniors claim is "Good to go". The movie talks about how certain senior people fabricated evidence of WMD and got the USA to wage war on Iraq. I wonder which part of "No WMD" that the US officials didn't understand, but then, when good ol' Georgie has decided he wants to make Baghdad the trial scene for EA Games Command and conquer, Any information that claims other wise isn't going to stop him I guess.
Anyway, the movie proceeds as Chief Miller(Matt Damon) pursues general Al-Rawi who is the key to this whole episode. As the movie progresses, we see internal conflicts between the Army and CIA, torn Iraqi nationals and basically you get the picture right? The movie ends with the General being killed, and Chief miller writing a report that details everything that he knows and puts it out to the press. In a few words, a nice movie that gives a sad picture which unfortunately is reality. Definitely a must watch!
Dude, I actually read the first para darn seriously, thinking it has got something to do with the movie :-|
Heard about this one, but also heard it's not upto usual Matt Damon standards, so gave it a miss. Nice to see you're back to blogging - read the earlier article as well, made me go WTF! :D
Keep blogging, yo!
The worsht review I've read from you na.. "you get the picture right..."??? common na..
I would have preferred to hear more on the pop corn chewing experience.. :P
@ Amshu: Well My most loyal critic! I know, didn't really put much thought into the review at all I guess. Non existent creative juices to blame right now I guess. :(
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