Saturday, February 25, 2006

Another corner seat experience...

Another of my Contributions to Shristi 06' of CIT

As I sit in class, oblivious of the world,

as I roam the distant lands with only my soul,

a cool winter breeze impinges on my frosted skin,

awakening me to reality.

Eastwards arises the majestic sun,

Providing relief from winter’s chill,

amidst this, wafts through,

the scent of fresh lavender bathed in dew.

As I look for the source,

I am blinded by scintillating beauty, like a flash of lighting,

That I have never seen such a vibrant thing,

That defies the sun, and devours all,

Beauty so fresh, so innocent,

It kills both mind and soul.

Who is this girl I wonder?

An angel or goddess?

Or maybe a temptress from deep under the earth gallows…

As she eloquently drifts away,

She claims both my heart and soul,

And again I lie in class, oblivious of all…


Einsteins Donkey said...

nice way to make use of the free time in the class. rather than sleeping

WeirdISgooD said...

The tragedy would be if she was your MAths proff. What coul;d be better than the thign you loathe and love the msot packaged so beautifully ....enough to make a fantasy :D

Alisha said...

"Romantically" eloquent,,

im gud with puns :P

NeoDharmar said...

Hey.. you gave me a good idea of what to do when I go for my maths class. Nice poem. You could have added a pic to give the post some kinda variety. Yet, it's fabulous. Keep blogging

CRD said...

oho! mushy pst from aswin? hee hee :P

cutestangel said...

nice poem and very articulately drafted.