Sunday, June 11, 2006
Chennai travails
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Election offer: Vote for 1 criminal, get another FREE!!!
But lately i have found that TN political parties seen to have taken this marketing strategy thing too seriously albeit the recent ad's one has been seeing on TV or hearing on radio. If you are wondering what i'm talking about, it's the recent ad on Sun Tv that has irked me. 'Vote for udhayasuriyan and get a gas stove free'(plus a kid modelling for the ad). It seemed too sleazy, c'mon people if it had been something like 'buy a prestige cooker and get a gas stove free' it would have been well and good. but vote and get a stove free?? Does it make any sense?? Ok lets say the party is seriously interested in improving the welfare of the people,consider this: now a guy has got a gas stove, so who's gonna get the gas? if he has so much money to buy a god damn cylinder he would have had bought a stove in the first place right?? I wonder if this is just another ploy to sell more cylinders rather. I wouldn't have gotten so apprehensive had they offered free solar cookers or something(ahh we would accept that the party is socially,environmentally and economically aware).
Lets forget the gas stove for a bit. Even more atrocious is the free tv offer for everyone. I've heard of free clothes for people(it actually made sense to me, cos they were addressing the need of people below the poverty line by providing free clothing), but free tv's?? I can think of this to be just another proposition by which they plan to increase their Tv channel viewership(and increase trp ratings of programmes, get more sponsers etc etc..the chain goes on) and nothing else. all the ladies at home are just gonna sit infront of the Tv and watch serial after serial. If this happens, when on earth are we gonna see woman empowerment and the rise of a woman in Indian society?? If such a situation occurs then social evils like Dowry, polygamy and all the assorted crap will continue to prevail.
Now lets talk about what we, the consumers(this is a corporate world-so to every political party we are a consumer) would like from a political party.first and foremost, a steady government(do you know that in countries like singapore the prime minister and respective MP's retain their position for more than just a five year tenure). Given the situation in our country it's not the kids faultif he flunks in social studies if he forgets the PM's or CM's name- they keep changing every other day rite?? I'm sure everyone would be happy if the government could offer: jobs to every guy depending on their talent, proper infrastructure, medical facilities etc. Our list has been the same for decades. I wonder how the Politicians seem to nicely miss out on what we exaclty ask for and give us crap that we don't need. Hey any politco's out there listening? just give us what we want ok, we don't need you to buy us our tv sets. we can get ourselves what we want thank you...
Wednesday, April 26, 2006
English-who owns it??
This was a SMS I received some time ago. Initially I thought that the Queen had agreed to make the changes as per the EU's suggestions.(that was another joke ppl who have been using email for quite sometime would know. you might have got this mail some time ago say 6 or 7 years was meant to mock the EU's system or somethin--gettin back to where I was), I finally figured out what they were trying to get to me.. So I was just pondering over this message in class when a "well-informed" classmate saw the message and popped the question, "hey since when did English belong to the British? I thought it was the American's discovery?" I nearly got a heart attack. So as I drilled some history classes to him, his question kept ringing at the back of my head. Given today's globalisation trend(a favourite topic of my college Director-Globalisation) Engish actually, hardly belongs to the English. It is a global language. Every guy from Afghanistan to Zurkinistan(sorry u won't find that in the map cos I created that) speaks english with a good measure of the local accent mixed in, just like HSBC does. Global banking done locally.(ever seen HSBC ad's ?)
Just walk into a local girls convent school, you'll understand what I mean. An example is , "hey don't stand in the veyil"(no harm meant der, oh fairer sex :)). so as I was saying, you go to tamil nadu you hear tanglish, drop by singapore and you'll get a taste of Singlish(where people rather tend to sing rather than speak. want more examples? try this-"yeah la", "can la", " cmon la, can't tahan or what?") . Now make a trans-continental flight to the land down under and voila you've found a new way of speaking British English... So as we go through places we find that the language is being manipulated and incorporated the world over with the basic essence being the same.
Anybody reading this ever seen a Russell Peter show? For those who don't know wh0 he is, he's an Indo-Canadian Comedian. I happened to see one of his shows(one of my friends had a copy in his comp) the guy said in one of his shows that the world is mixing that in 300 years we won't have white's, black's, yellow's or brown's. Everyone is gonna look beige. His reason?: the major population of the world comprises of Indians and Chinese(add up all da ppl in India, China and all da Ind's n Chin's in da rest of da world u'll get more than just 2 billion.)So sooner or later we are gonna hump u and all we'll have is beige kids..(no offense there again :) incase u are wonderin what there is to be offensed about, just forget it ;) ) But the fact is that what he said is true. Not the humping bit, but the part about the world mixing, and hence the barriers of language disappearing as well. Hmm I think i've put in enough words to express what I felt like tellin, if you still have no idea what I was talkin about, forget it cos I have no idea either.
Sunday, April 23, 2006
Pachydermatous Asiaeus
'seruppula-appitasia' have started poppin up. for those who are not prolific in tamil, 'seruppula appa' means to be slippered literally. you may wonder where on earth did asia come up in that.Good question. beats me. Any tamil linguists around? or maybe some one workin on a doctorate in tamil? U could consider doing ur thesis on dis new found dialect maybe...
till then i shall just sit n ponder over the intricacies of this ... hmm what do u call that? asia syndrome..... byeasia to everyone....
Monday, April 17, 2006
Sunday, April 02, 2006
All in all it's worth a watch though the older generation might not like it(my uncle fell asleep watchin it) but i'm sure no oldies are gonna be readin my blog, so my verdict: worth a watch.
P.S. others opinions may differ frm(hey i liked da story, i think Pooja is seriously cute-neone got a prob wid dat?) . I just typed out what i felt.
And this will be my last blog for a few weeks as my semesters are comin up so my dear readers(if there r any) i'll be back in may.stay tuned..
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Friday, March 10, 2006

ok this photo was taken by me during Quest. It was stuck up by some first years as part of AdQuest(an ad campaign competition where u have to advertise innovatively for Quest) N since dis chart contained da word Srishti da Editor n I couldn't resist takin a pic courtesy my Sony ericsson K700i !!! thanx to da Cool Fools for advert.. for Srishti!!!!

Making of Srishti
P.S. I automatically edited my article for typos, so no shortforms and stuff here. I guess it's an after effect of having been doing it for weeks!!!!!!
Monday, February 27, 2006
Do you have bird flu?
Do you have bird flu?
Here’s a quick checklist:
1. You start preserving round objects
2. You like cute chicks
3. You tend to flap your hands
4. you peck your neighbour whenever angry
5. You find feathers on your bed
6. Eggheads please you
If you check atleast 4 out of six, Please contact
Dr.HENry Cluck @ 24734357(BIRD HELP)
For more details log on to:
Saturday, February 25, 2006
Another corner seat experience...
Another of my Contributions to Shristi 06' of CIT
As I sit in class, oblivious of the world,
as I roam the distant lands with only my soul,
a cool winter breeze impinges on my frosted skin,
awakening me to reality.
Eastwards arises the majestic sun,
Providing relief from winter’s chill,
amidst this, wafts through,
the scent of fresh lavender bathed in dew.
As I look for the source,
I am blinded by scintillating beauty, like a flash of lighting,
That I have never seen such a vibrant thing,
That defies the sun, and devours all,
Beauty so fresh, so innocent,
It kills both mind and soul.
Who is this girl I wonder?
An angel or goddess?
Or maybe a temptress from deep under the earth gallows…
As she eloquently drifts away,
She claims both my heart and soul,
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Friday, January 13, 2006
Riding in Style...........
this is an article which i wrote for my college mag,it's still hasn't been published so dis is sorta like a sneak preview.....
Shristi: What is thy purpose? I believe it’s to inform and entertain. So I never seem to understand the logic of writing about dead literarians, painters, artists and their compositions etc, but in spite of that I don’t seem to have any idea of what to write about. So as I cursed my seniors for putting me through this grind and cracked my brain on new years day at 12.30 a.m. (curses to that dumb cold and fever which left me under siege at home on new year’s eve) the loud thump of music from a passing car hit me and ignited an idea in my brain faster than a spark ignitioned engine.
In came the tuner scene and with PC games like Need For Speed Underground, Most wanted, Gran Turismo etc. selling like hot cakes tuning has became hep and happening with everyone wanting their Marutis to look like Mini coopers or Golf GTi’s. You may ask what is the point of spending a few lakhs or so to make your dingy old Ambassador (amby) look like an Aston martin, it’ll never be as good as the original. But reality aside, every layman can now feel like James bond in his Amby (and who knows he might even impress that/those chick(s) that he might have been eyeing for some time!!!).